Workplace - Our environment

Our workplaces support our people to serve their community

Systems and processes
Systems and processes that support:
  • shared priorities and resources
  • the way we work now and in the future
  • processes which ensure fairness, responsiveness and high-performance.
Leaders who:
  • are committed to sector stewardship
  • are systems thinkers
  • drive culturally and psychologically safe workplaces
  • tell the sector’s stories with pride.
People who:
  • have the skills the sector needs, for now and the future
  • have opportunities for career development and learning
  • understand the craft of public service.
Goal 5: We provide better opportunities for current and future public servants to perform at their best
Action What is this action about? Who are the partners? Progress
Promoting purposeful careers
Promoting purposeful careers
  1. Deliver a public campaign that promotes the diverse opportunities that exist across the sector and clearly explains why the sector is a great place to build a career.

Expected delivery: End of 2024

  • The public sector provides many different pathways for people to serve—whether in frontline roles or roles that support frontline services.
  • We want to attract the best people to work with us which means we need to tell people about the diverse career pathways that exist, the unique and meaningful work in the sector and what sector workplaces have to offer prospective employees.
  • This action is about creating a campaign and resources that promote the sector’s employee value proposition and tells the story of the sector to attract the people we need to deliver better services and outcomes for Queensland.


Transparent employment reporting
Transparent employment reporting
  1. Publish a new annual online report which provides government, the sector and the community with key information and insights about the public sector workforce.

Expected delivery: Mid-2024

  • An important part of building and maintaining trust is ensuring the community has access to information about our workforce and our performance.
  • While data about our workforce is collected and published in different formats, there is an opportunity to ensure this data is brought together in an accessible and meaningful format—in other jurisdictions this kind of reporting takes the form of a ‘state of the sector’ report.
  • This action will involve gathering and analysing workforce data and sharing of key insights and trends about the public sector workforce.


Goal 6: We better support our people to make decisions that serve the interests of Queenslanders
Action What is this action about? Who are the partners? Progress
Contemporary ethical framework
Contemporary ethical framework
  1. Develop a refreshed ethics framework following a review of the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 and Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service.

Expected delivery: End of 2025

  • Working with integrity is a foundational aspect of all public sector work—no matter in what job or organisation.
  • It is important that we support people to understand what is expected of them and what public sector ethics look like in practice.
  • This action will include a review and analysis of the current ethical obligations that apply to public servants, including those provided for in the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 and the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service, to develop a contemporary ethics framework aligned with the Act.


Consistent induction and onboarding
Consistent induction and onboarding
  1. Develop an induction and onboarding program on the craft of public service

Expected delivery: Mid-2024

  • Our work has many unique facets, and it is important that we support people to understand the common and fundamental aspects of public service work—or what is referred to as the craft of public service
  • There is currently no public service-wide approach to providing consistent information to new starters about the sector, our role within Queensland’s system of government and our unique operating environment.
  • This action will create a service-wide induction and onboarding program which provides both new and current employees with the knowledge they need to understand—and thrive in—the public service operating environment.


Consistent induction and onboarding
Consistent induction and onboarding
  1. Pilot, refine and roll out the new induction and onboarding program of the craft of public service.

Expected delivery: End of 2025

  • The induction and onboarding program developed in Action 16 will need to capture the underlying objectives of public service work and be a practical resource for new and continuing public servants.
  • Testing the program with a diverse range of public service employees will ensure that it is fit for purpose, useful and applicable to all roles and all levels.
  • This action will pilot the induction and onboarding program developed in Action 16 within a few departments to refine the program prior to broader roll out.


Inclusive recruitment and selection
Inclusive recruitment and selection
  1. Develop practical tools and guidance to support successful implementation of the new recruitment and selection processes which support equity and diversity under the Public Sector Act 2022.

Expected delivery: Mid-2025

  • The Act created a new framework for how we recruit and select people for jobs across the sector.
  • Considering equity and diversity as part of recruitment and selection decisions helps us to build a sector which represents the community and can deliver services which consider the diverse needs of Queenslanders.
  • This action will look what support might be required to deliver recruitment processes that align to the Act and promote a public sector workforce which represents the community it serves.
